This block contains all parts of the work plan and some deliverables resulting from the project activities.
WP 1 Sustainable grape wine value chain
T1.1. Wine production chain analysis
T1.2. Wine marketing chain analysis
T1.3. Stakeholder consultation and feedback
WP2 IoT network and data platform
T2.1. IoT network
T2.2. Data platform
T2.3. Interoperability mechanisms in systems
WP3 Multi-source data
T3.1. Agronomic and environmental data
T3.2. Remote and proximal data
T3.3. Machine data
T3.4. Post-farm gate data
WP4 Agronomic algorithms and environmental modeling
T4.1. Grapevine models
T4.2. Environmental models
T4.3. Cloud-based modeling engine
WP5 System integration, validation and evaluation
T5.1. Pilot implementation
T5.2. Technical verification and evaluation
T5.3. Validation of agronomic and sustainability benefits
WP6 Coordination and beyond-research activities
T6.1. Overall project management
T6.2. Scientific management and quality control
T6.3. Dissemination and communication
T6.4. Exploitation strategy
A list of publications that are a result from the OENOTRACE project activities.
The annual conference of the German association for information technology in agriculture (GIL) in Hohenheim, Germany
27th-28th of February, 2024
Conference 2
A list of presentations resulting from the activities of the OENOTRACE project.